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Pentair intellichem water chemistry controller manual  



Pentair IntelliChem Commercial Controller 2 Pump System - – Poolweb.


Failure to do so could result in death or serious injury to service person, pool users or others due to electric shock.

Page 4 Alarm messages. When using IntelliChem with a pool pump timer: The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals APSP recommends that all water in a residential pool pass through the filtration system at least once every 12 hours referred to as pool water turnover. Page 5 IECG always wear rubber gloves and eye protection.

Always add acid to water, do not add water to acid. Always work in a well-ventilated area. Pentair always recommends dilution when using full strength muriatic acid. When mixing, remember to always add acid to water. Page 6 Leave cleanup of large spills to the experts; call your local fire department or hazardous materials spill team.

Page 7: Intellichem Overview CO2 is environmentally friendly and produces no secondary pollution into the treated water by salts such as chlorides or sulfates.

CO2 does not corrode metal equipment and does not require any special piping. LED will blink during flow delay. LED off indicates no flow in the system.

If flow is not present, no chemical feeding or IntelliChem controller activity is allowed. When IntelliChem is controlled by the IntelliTouch, EasyTouch or SunTouch control system, if the password is set and locked on the IntelliChem, it cannot be changed from the automation control panel. IntelliChem uses this information to automatically setup reminder times, calculate feed times, proportional limits and alarms. Press Continue on next page. Container Size?

Page 14 Reminder in: 4. Gauge: Continue on next page. Page Intellichem Controller System Default Values 4k gallons or the settings in the container size is specified in liters. Press the MENU button to access the main menu. Set the amount of ounces or milliliters that the IntelliChem controller will feed pH acid each time the IntelliChem controller calls for pH chemicals. The Dose Volume is set by Auto Setup wizard based on pool volume and filter run time.

Page 19 IntelliChem controller or any other dispensing device runs non-stop for more than the selected Limit time or volume. This prevents IntelliChem from non-stop feeding pH reducer, because of a sensor error or external problem with the pool.

Page 20 This helps to prevent overshooting and makes it easier for the IntelliChem controller to reach the exact set point. It should be set to allow sufficient mixing time for the chemicals to become distributed throughout the pool. Page 22 Level Gauge liquid only : Displays level gauge hour when using liquid chemical doser.

Tank icon symbol is used for liquid chemical configurations that include valid supply and doser feed rate information. IntelliChem will automatically set a high and low alarm for the ORP level. The Delay time is the amount of time between the detected alarm condition and when IntelliChem displays the alarm message on the main screen.

Page Configuration Menu Adjustable time is 0 to 60 seconds. Default is 15 seconds. Use longer times to prevent interaction of doser from affecting the measurement. Above pH of 7. Just bringing the pH level down will raise the available chlorine and the effective ORP. Dose Priority: pH Priority or Simultaneous. Depending on how the IntelliChem chemical dosers are plumbed and how much water is circulating in the system where the chemicals are injected into the water stream, it may be preferred to only feed Chlorine when Acid is not feeding.

Page 29 Status Codes: This displays a complex series of values that indicate the real-time status and alarm conditions. In the upper-right corner, R0,1,2,4 which represents the UOC comm status. Page 33 Water with a LSI of 1. Reducing the factors by 1 unit will bring the water into equilibrium.

Page Installation Connect the pH and ORP sensors. Test the plumbing for leaks. Switch on the IntelliChem controller for the first time as described below. Risk of Electrical Shock or Electrocution! IntelliChem controller must be installed by a licensed or certified Supply power must be routed to the IntelliChem controller in accordance with the applicable national and current local NEC codes see page i.

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Pentair intellichem water chemistry controller manual -

  Supplier Voice. Page Installation Enter Location: Geolocation Button Or search. This item qualifies for a one-year Poolweb. When using IntelliChem with a pool pump timer: The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals APSP recommends that all water in a residential pool pass through the filtration system at least once every 12 hours referred to as pool water turnover.    

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Looking for: Pentair intellichem water chemistry controller manual   Click here to download MANUAL       Pentair IntelliChem Commercial C...